domingo, 10 de agosto de 2008


Today I am feeling a bit romantic!!! I am going to post a short story I wrote some time ago

Misty falling endless love

She opened the window with the first rays of light. Mist was in the sticky air. He always was present in her thoughts. She wondered where he was far away in time; meanwhile the last autumn leaves were falling down. His words still struggle with hers reaching out her memory in the echo of her tangled sleepy mind:
-Do you love me? – She asked anxiously
He looked up into her eyes with his tender smile and says nothing.

In the distance during the darkest hour long time ago. He left work aside, and wrote about his feelings for his angelical muse:
“I owe you answers, but I give you questions…”
-Why do I always have to look for you? Do you ever need me? - She claimed with watery eyes.
He looked down keeping his silent smile. Then he answered her questions with another.
- What is the difference if I need you? – He added murmuring to himself, -I cannot have you.
I owe you caresses, but I give you words
The caresses will reach your body like fire...”
-But… you already have me, - she said hopefully- because I love you and I do my best to give everything you deserve and I would die if it is useless– her words faded away in her tormented memory. He also vanished in her daily life.
Every day, at dawn, during the last four years she remembered some bits of conversations. They were out of context of her routine but they were meaningful to her loving conscious soul. One thing she was sure about. He was the special man every woman expects some time or another in her life. The man she dreamt about while reading her romantic teenager novels. He was almost perfect. He was a passionate wild spirit. He represented the charming earthquake that shakes her floor: A quiet, shy intellectually bearded type of man. She did not notice it at first. He contemplated her silently behind his glasses during the College lectures. She attended his classes and drank every word he said with an endless thirst of knowledge. And she learned more than expected. She started writing stories that he inspired. He was delighted with ecstasy when he read his present for the teacher’s day, a romantic short story with open end. By that time, she had her life centered in a few matters related to a loved family and job duties. But she dared to throw to a new cosmic world where he was her north in the compass. He irrupted in her forties to give her a new direction. He carried his early fifties heavy luggage: A loved devoted separated wife, two lovely daughters, a rebel son and…a lover who became his second wife just because she conceived her youngest daughter.
“I owe you room in my life but I give you the sky
My room for you will reach your eyes like blue light…”
At first they have classes together, and then they interchanged emails. After that, they exchanged some talks and they finished sharing their infinite souls in sunny autumn afternoons.
“And you will see the stars with your eyes closed”
She was never the same since then… and she still enjoys reading his poem that rebirth the passion that keeps her hopes alive, in the distant words that the wind brings every autumn, blowing the falling leaves.

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